Monday 14 September 2015

It's Time To ... Plant Spring Bulbs!

Good Morning!
I thought I would give you a little break from the Checklist today (don't worry though it will be back later in the week) and write a post about something we all need to be doing right now. Planting Spring Bulbs! If your a little unsure on how exactly to do this then hopefully today's post will be of some help.
I planted my 'Narcissus - Thalia' Bulbs yesterday and this is the way that I chose to do it.

If you are planting some in your Borders then it's always best to dig a deep hole where the bulb can be planted about 2 - 3 times the depth of it's height. 
You can plant them at a distance of your choosing, but try to keep a width of at-least 1 bulb between them.
Ideally bulbs like to be in a well drained soil, which reduces the risk of them rotting. If you are unsure on whether you have this type of soil, add some grit to act as drainage when planting.

TIP - When deciding how to plant them, odd numbers is always more aesthetically pleasing. Also if you simply throw the bulbs onto the ground before planting, the positions that they land in tend to look more natural rather than a planned layout.

It's a good idea to plant your Nariccus bulbs in the Autumn, ideally by the end of September. 
When buying bulbs in person make sure you check them for any signs of mould or disease, if like me you have chosen to order online, then always try to buy from a good, well known supplier.

TIP - For bulbs such as Tulips it's a good idea to plant them in November, which reduces the rick of them getting the disease Tulip Fire.

Once you have finished planting outside, if you have any bulbs left over then you can plant them into pots to save them going to waste. 
Seeing as these are not their final pots (I will make my mind up about where to plant them in the Spring) I have used a mix of Multi - Purpose Compost with some added grit. Place the bulb at the bottom of the pot to maintain the ideal height then simply cover with the compost mix and a layer of grit on top. 
These can then be left over Winter while you decide where they can be planted out next year.

I hope this post has been helpful, thanks for popping by!


  1. Oh how I wish I were planting Spring bulbs, Nat! It seems that my garden beds will never get dug! The problem is that the weekend rolls around and we're either too busy with other things or the weather plays foul and I don't get chance!
    Good idea planting your left over bulbs in individual pots for planting later - I know it seems simple but I've always just dumped them in a pot together and then don't know what to do with them! Thanks for the tips. Hugs, Lisa x

    1. I know the feeling, this year is running away with me! Glad I could be a little bit of help :) xxx
