Monday 8 December 2014

Garden Checklist ...

Good Morning!
Before we get started I'd just like to say I hadn't forgotten about posting a Checklist last week, this next part will explain why I didn't. Now that we are into Winter the Checklist's would consist of basically the same thing each week, which I felt you may find a bit boring and repetitive.

So today's Checklist is one that covers things you can do over the up - coming weeks. The blog will also be a little quieter as there isn't too much to do in my own garden but as soon as I do have something, I will share it with you all. 

1. Clean your Tools - I know you may think I am stating the obvious but now is a good time to check they are all clean and in good working order ready for next year.

2. Lists - Why not make a list of all the plants you have in your garden? That way when you are debating adding more you can see what you already have without having to go outside. You may end up reminding yourself of ones you forgot you had!

3. Seeds - Check seeds are still within use by dates, dispose of ones that aren't and donate packets that you no longer need to others. You could also repeat the list idea mentioned above.

4. Plan - If you are in the mood to be super organised why not draw a plan of your garden? That way you can decide what may go where next year along with anything that may need moving or replacing.

5. Roses - Now is a good time to decide if you would like to add any Roses to your collection. Planting bare root is also cheaper than buying them in a container for those of you that may be wanting to pinch the pennies!

6. Ventilation - Keep opening GH Doors & Windows during the day to allow fresh air in. This will also help prevent Grey Mould. Make sure you check plants daily for this as it can make an appearance really quickly.

Thanks for stopping by, don't forget you can find all the previous Checklists on the page tab above.

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